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Twitch has rolled out a plethora of features in the last few months, such as software extensions and a native raid function, and today, it’s launching its new Video Producer suite. This new tool designs Twitch broadcasts around prerecorded videos, enabling streamers to essentially hold viewing parties for their followers.

The Video Producer suite will be available for all creators on Twitch, and it features two key tools: Premieres and Reruns. Premieres enables broadcasters to create a landing page for prerecorded videos as well as a countdown timer so viewers know when the show is going to start. Reruns are a scheduled showing of a prior broadcast. Unlike archived videos, though, viewers will be able to chat in real-time when watching a Rerun video.

Both these tools re-package pre-recorded videos with social elements, turning video-on-demand into a communal space where folks can chat with each other. It shows Twitch experimenting more with video content that isn’t livestreamed, placing itself in direct comparison to YouTube.

To that end, Twitch also announced today that it’s partnered with Disney Digital Network to bring exclusive content to the platform. It’s tapped four Disney-managed creators who have pulled in millions of subscribers on YouTube: Seán William “Jacksepticeye” McLoughlin, Mark Edward “Markiplier” Fischbach, Meghan “Strawburry17” Camarena, and LuzuGames. These four are also active on Twitch, and now any content they create on the platform won’t be cross-posted on other video sites. However, partnership doesn’t mean that they have to create videos only for Twitch.

The new tools and partnership are arriving after Twitch recently announced additions to its leadership team, including new COO Sara Clemens, who in her previous role as COO at the music-streaming platform Pandora worked on fostering relationships between musicians and audiences.

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